Delete Account Unknown Profiles Windows 7

Cannot Delete Account Unknown Profiles

Error when removing a user profile in Windows 10? Select the account. Cannot Create Any Account on Windows 7 - User Profile Service failed the logon. Re: Account Unknown in User Profiles i just looked through HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows NT CurrentVersion ProfileList and see that i have 4 'john doe.

I have tried to: • Remove a user from the Control Panel, but the C: Users bob folder still remains. • Manually deleting it works sometimes if I delete all subfolders, but some users folders do not allow me to delete: C: Users bob AppData Roaming Microsoft Windows Libraries even if a I take ownership. • Deleting the the Account Unknown from System Settings following instructions from, throws the error Profile not deleted completely. Error - The directory is not empty.

EDIT: I probably should have mentioned that this is in a Windows 10 Home edition. @Ƭᴇcʜιᴇ007 You are right. Account deleted via Control Panel, User Profile folder was not. Going System Properties ->User Profile prompt me the error: 'Profile not deleted completely. Error - The directory is not empty'. Once I restarted the computer and deleted all sub folders, the profile folder was deleted the same when I went to safe mode.

Cannot Delete Profile Windows 10

Some application was using some files in the profile. That is why Control Panel or System Properties didn't delete all the files. I should edit the question now like you suggested early on. – Oct 3 '16 at 21:35.

Following is a copy of the solution which should work equally well on a local computer with Windows 10. • Open up 'Control Panel System and Security System' • In the dialog click on 'Advanced system settings' (requires Admin rights) • The 'System Properties' dialog will be displayed • Make sure you are in the 'Advanced' register • In the 'User Profiles' section click on 'Settings' • The 'User Profiles' dialog is displayed • Select the account. Faster: • Start Run • sysdm.cpl • switch to register 'Advanced' • In the 'User Profiles' section click on 'Settings' • The 'User Profiles' dialog is displayed • Select the account.

If you have a greyed out button it means that the registry hive has not been released by the operating system, as pointed out by @joeqwerty in the original post. You could always just delete the C: Users [ACCOUNT] directory, but that leaves some registry entries behind that have to be manually deleted. Contoh Soal Cerita Program Linear Dan Penyelesaiannya. Deleting any leftover Registry Keys • Open Regedit with Administrator Permissions (Runas Administrator) • Select the HKEY_USERS branch • Search for the Domain Account without the domain (e.g. Login = DOMAIN ACCOUNT then search for ACCOUNT) • Keep on searching until the status bar shows Computer HKEY_USERS [SID] Software Microsoft Windwos CurrentVersion Explorer Shell Folders • There should be a large list of your ACCOUNTs folders e.g.

C: Users ACCOUNT Desktop You are in the right HKEY_USERS [SID] Software Microsoft Windwos CurrentVersion Explorer Shell Folders branch if the ACCOUNT in 'Shell Folders' matches the ACCOUNT you just manually deleted form the C: Users [ACCOUNT] directory. This branch [SID] can be exported and/or deleted to clean up the last of the user profile.

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