Delete Account Unknown Profiles Windows 7

Error when removing a user profile in Windows 10? Select the account. Cannot Create Any Account on Windows 7 - User Profile Service failed the logon. Re: Account Unknown in User Profiles i just looked through HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows NT CurrentVersion ProfileList and see that i have 4 'john doe.
I have tried to: • Remove a user from the Control Panel, but the C: Users bob folder still remains. • Manually deleting it works sometimes if I delete all subfolders, but some users folders do not allow me to delete: C: Users bob AppData Roaming Microsoft Windows Libraries even if a I take ownership. • Deleting the the Account Unknown from System Settings following instructions from, throws the error Profile not deleted completely. Error - The directory is not empty.
EDIT: I probably should have mentioned that this is in a Windows 10 Home edition. @Ƭᴇcʜιᴇ007 You are right. Account deleted via Control Panel, User Profile folder was not. Going System Properties ->User Profile prompt me the error: 'Profile not deleted completely. Error - The directory is not empty'. Once I restarted the computer and deleted all sub folders, the profile folder was deleted the same when I went to safe mode.

Some application was using some files in the profile. That is why Control Panel or System Properties didn't delete all the files. I should edit the question now like you suggested early on. – Oct 3 '16 at 21:35.
Following is a copy of the solution which should work equally well on a local computer with Windows 10. • Open up 'Control Panel System and Security System' • In the dialog click on 'Advanced system settings' (requires Admin rights) • The 'System Properties' dialog will be displayed • Make sure you are in the 'Advanced' register • In the 'User Profiles' section click on 'Settings' • The 'User Profiles' dialog is displayed • Select the account. Faster: • Start Run • sysdm.cpl • switch to register 'Advanced' • In the 'User Profiles' section click on 'Settings' • The 'User Profiles' dialog is displayed • Select the account.
If you have a greyed out button it means that the registry hive has not been released by the operating system, as pointed out by @joeqwerty in the original post. You could always just delete the C: Users [ACCOUNT] directory, but that leaves some registry entries behind that have to be manually deleted. Contoh Soal Cerita Program Linear Dan Penyelesaiannya. Deleting any leftover Registry Keys • Open Regedit with Administrator Permissions (Runas Administrator) • Select the HKEY_USERS branch • Search for the Domain Account without the domain (e.g. Login = DOMAIN ACCOUNT then search for ACCOUNT) • Keep on searching until the status bar shows Computer HKEY_USERS [SID] Software Microsoft Windwos CurrentVersion Explorer Shell Folders • There should be a large list of your ACCOUNTs folders e.g.
C: Users ACCOUNT Desktop You are in the right HKEY_USERS [SID] Software Microsoft Windwos CurrentVersion Explorer Shell Folders branch if the ACCOUNT in 'Shell Folders' matches the ACCOUNT you just manually deleted form the C: Users [ACCOUNT] directory. This branch [SID] can be exported and/or deleted to clean up the last of the user profile.
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