Update Statistics Sql Server 2008 All Tables


Hi I have been working on a script to update statistics of all tables on. Motion Exercise Program. Update statistics for all databases all tables in. Version of SQL Server. How to update statistics on all tables? Execute the following Microsoft SQL Server T-SQL script in SSMS Query Editor to update statistics.

Table_name Specifies the name of the table on which to update the statistics. Index_name The index on which to update the statistics. If an index is not specified, all distribution statistics in the specified table or indexed view are updated. Sony Sound Forge 10.0 Serial Number more. This includes statistics that are created by using the CREATE STATISTICS statement, statistics that are created automatically, and statistics that are created during index creation. FULLSCAN Specifies that all rows in the table should be read to gather the statistics. NORECOMPUTE Specifies that automatic recomputation of the statistics should be disabled. If this option is specified, the Database Engine continues to use old statistics even as the data changes.

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The statistics are not automatically updated and maintained by the database engine, which might produce suboptimal plans.