Eurochron Clock Manual

Eurochron ClockEurochron Clock Manual

I have a small battery driven digital alarm clock that is apparantly controlled by a satelite signal. It is sold by a company in Bishops Stortford through their catalogue. The clock case is a silver rectangle approximately 90x85mm (3.5 x 3.25 ins). Their is a long bar button on top called Snooze.Light.

On the front panel is the LCD display showing the time, alarm settings, room temperature and date. Below this are for four push buttons: Mode, ^.12/24, v.C/F, SET. My problem is how to set the time. The 'Instruction Manual' is an A4 sheet with not very clear or adequate user instructions. I had the clock working OK before the recent BST time change, but when the clock appeared to fail to automatically advance one hour, I managed to do it manually, when I checked the time later, it had added the extra hour, making the time one hour fast.

Eurochron EFWS S550 Pdf User Manuals. View online or download Eurochron EFWS S550 Operating Instructions Manual. Radio Controlled Clock Manual. Following pdf manuals are available: Eurochron EFWU 4600 Radio Controlled Wall Clock Leaflet, User Manual, Declaration. Radio Controlled Analog Clock Quick set up instructions Welcome to the world of radio controlled timekeeping technology. We hope you will enjoy the.

Does anyone have one of these clocks, and have they worked out the correct procedure for setting the time, as the instructions are so vague as to be almost useless. I can't give any specific help I'm afraid but I do have a radio-controlled clock which didn't add the hour on. It has done it without fail every other time so you're not the only one with a problem! I added my hour on manually and it has kept the right time since. I have previously noticed problems with its time-keeping, occasionally it'll be a few hours out for no reason (although the minutes are always accurate). O Fortuna Midi Download. Basically, the time should set itself with minimal input from you, the fact that it didn't add the hour when it should have is just an annoyance of technology. I can't give any specific help I'm afraid but I do have a radio-controlled clock which didn't add the hour on.