Vlc Media Player 0.8 6


Building on feedback from the 29 million downloads of VLC media player 0.8.5, we bring you version 0.8.6 with many bugfixes, as well as a couple of new features we think you will truly enjoy. Most prominent are probably Windows Media Video 9 and Flash Video. Other important changes are improved H.264 decoding, better Windows Unicode support, a Fullscreen controller and Apple Remote support for Mac OS X. Have a look for the full list of changes. Binary packages and the source code are available on the VLC download page.

Vlc Media Player InstallationVlc Media Player For Mac

VLC Media Player 0.8.6 RC1; VLC Media Player 0.8.6; VLC Media Player 0.8.5 Test 4; VLC Media Player 0.8.5 Test 3; VLC Media Player 0.8.5 Test 2; VLC Media Player 0.8.

You can get help concerning this new release on the Documentation Page, Forum, Wiki, Mailing Lists or in #videolan on Freenode. Remember to reset your preferences if you experience problems after upgrading from a previous version. Please report any bugs, remarks and comment and this release.

Please suggest new features on the topic on this forum. Please make some advertisement for this release. Thanks and enjoy! I think everyone here knows, I'm a big fan and proponent of VLC. But the release of 0.8.6 (in my opinion) was premature.

Fujitsu Fi-6670 Wia Driver. The remaining problems with WMP 11 or WMF 11 is that VLC does not support WMAP audio of which 90% of the videos that uses WMV3 or WVC1 also use WMAP multi-channel audio which is now completely unsupported even if you use the --codec dmo switch. The new use of WMV and WMA under ffmpeg is very slow to activate under 0.8.6 and you may miss anywhere from 5 to 20 seconds of the start of any video. This assumes the use of WMF 9 for WMAP audio which is now obsolete.