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Whether you are from a huge shipyard building super tankers and semi-sub rigs, or an up-and-coming yard building world class workboats, or a highly-specialized design firm serving the luxury yacht market, ShipConstructor is the ideal tool to optimize your shipbuilding software solution AMPHIBIOUS ASSAULT SHIP DESIGN The new-generation LHA-6, detail-designed in ShipConstructor by Northrop Grumman, replaces the LHA 1 class of amphibious assault ships. It will have the flexibility to operate in the traditional role as the flagship for an expeditionary strike group and potentially play a key role in the US Navy's Maritime Prepositioning Force's future. MONO-HULL VESSEL DESIGN T-AGM(R) is the support platform for the Cobra Judy Replacement (CFR) program, which provides worldwide, high-quality, high-resolution, multi-wavelength radar data.