Install Imagemagick On Windows Xampp For Linux
Here what finally worked for me after trying almost every possible solution posted in internet: Environment: OS: Windows Server 2008 R2 (64bit) IIS: 7.5 PHP: 5.5.11 (x86) PHP.ini: VC11, x86 and install ImageMagick ImageMagick-6.8.9-1-Q16-x86-dll.exe from Anatol suggested sources (kudos to Anatol!) ImageMagick-6.8.9-1-vc11-x86: Extract to a temporary folder and copy the contents of the 'bin' folder inside the Imagemagick installation (c: imagemagick) in my case overwriting files. Download.dll and put it in the php extensions folder (I used this one) Imagick for PHP 5.5.x Non Thread Safe from: Add the extension to php.ini with: extension=php_imagick.dll Save php.ini and restart IIS Finally Image Magick information was displayed in a phpinfo(); call. It is incredible to think to solve this problem needed to download files from 3 different locations. Hope it helps.

Here is what I did to get it working Note: The step that really tripped me up that didn't really explain is that the php_imagick.dll version should match your install of imagick Ok so steps I taken was download php imagick dll from (I used The zip file will contain many dlls keep this in mind, we may need it in future. Extract php_imagick.dll to your extension folder Put that in extension folder IN php.ini add extension = php_imagick.dll Now the issue is we need to find out what version of imagick the php_imagick.dll was compiled for Open command prompt and type in php -e -v The way I did this was with the zip you downloaded earlier, extract the other DLLs to your php folder an error message will probably popup stating something about missing dlls. So extract the DLLs from the zip folder from before into your PHP folder. Try running php -e -v again and it should work fine with no error message. If that is the case then Restart apache. Now look at phpinfo() and go to the imagick section. It will say ImageMagick version: Mine said ImageMagick 6.8.6-8 which is an older version then they have on their site.
Install ImageMagick on xampp. How to install Imagick/imagemagick on windows 7. Will a Linux executable compiled on one 'flavor' of Linux run on a different. But i need now to test my app on my local host server (xampp latest version 1.8.1). I've found a lot of tutorials about this installation, but all usind an old version of XAMPP (1.7.3). I absolutely need to use my xampp with imagemagick installed. Unfortunately, when i try to follow one of this tutorials, imagick library does not works on my XAMPP.
The issue is that ImageMagick number of supported formats: will probably say zero. Go and download the matching version and install (when you install make sure the checkbox of adding to path variable is checked) Once finish installing Stop apache. Delete the DLLS from the php folder that you put in earlier and start apache again. Check restart apache and it should all work. UPDATED: I got worked ImageMagick with php 7 and IIS (Apache very similar): Imagick Version. 3.4. Puma Pace Font 2006 07. 3 PHP 7 nts x86, Windows Server 2012 x64, IIS 8.5 1) Install VC++ 2015 2) Get ONLY php_imagick.dll from 3) Put it into php/ext/ folder and add extension=php_imagick.dll to php.ini Attention!
Minimum versions supported PHP >= 5.4.0 and ImageMagick >= 6.5.3-10. ImageMagick 7 are not supported at this time. Look at phpinfo: You must install ImageMagick 6.9.3-7 Q16 x86 4) install ImageMagick 6.9.3-7 Q16 x86 dll from Do not uncheck 'add variable to path'. 5) restart server thats all. It works by following steps. Php 5.5 32bit ts+ apache 2.4+ windows 10 64bit+ Imagick 6.9.3-5+ php_imagick.dll ts Check what's bit of your system bit. Choose a php_imagick.dll version from Find php_imagick.dll file If you don't know how to choose.
Type php -v get php version at commandline window Run following code shows which kind of php you have installed, thread safe or non thread safe. Consider Ethics Bruce Waller Pdf. and click will help you. On windows: php -i find 'Thread' On Linux: php -i grep Thread or you can run function phpinfo() and search 'Thread' on web page. You will see Thread Safety enabled or Thread Safety disabled Other steps have already been written out by @embe. Codevision Avr V2 05 3 Standard Setup Key Rar.