Calculator Program In Vb6.0

Calculator Program In Vb6.0

VB calculator code This article is mainly for the beginners. I am trying to explain the use of Control Arrays with the help of Calculator Sample. Direct Compression Method Pdf. I feel control arrays are overlooked in classic visual basic. If the way to implement is understood, it is much useful in reducing the code. Control Arrays can be used in the situations like whenever the need of same controls being used several times in an application.

We can make them as an array, and the controls can be accessed by their index in all the respective events VB 6 Control Arrays in form As shown in the following figure, Design the form. Create a Command Button named as Command1 and copy that and paste it 11 times.

Calculator Program In Vb6.0

This will create a control array. Then assign the text as shown in the figure. All the controls under red boxes are under one group. So design it accordingly. Like wise create cmdOperator control array for the green box group.

Apr 23, 2015 This video will learn you how can u make calculator in vb6.0 or VB.NET how you make Rocket, sahrukh khan, Akshay kumar, Amir khan.