Van Damme Morte Subita

Morte SubitaVan Damme Morte Subita

Van Damme - Morte Subita (DVD-RMZ) Dublagem Classica Sinopse: O astro internacional de grandes sucessos Jean-Claude Van Damme se.

Sudden Death was a good action film. The plot was simple and easy to understand.It didnt try to become something it isnt and end up confusing you. Jean-Claude Van Damme gave a strong performance and so did Powers Boothe.

He was extremely convincing as 'the bad guy'. Viola Bacia Tutti Streaming Film Senza Limiti. The movie at times is a little far fetched.but most movies are. I also thought it was very cool how Jean-Claude's character used lots of odd objects to create weapons(Fire extinguisher, tube and darts).anyway if your looking for a good action movie to watch, Sudden Death should be your choice.