The Supreme Memory Book Pdf
Attention Christians: Stop struggling trying to memorize scriptures the hard way! 'Discover The Easiest, Most FUN Way To Memorize Biblical Scripture Without Ever Forgetting It!' Long Lost Manuscript Resurfaces With Easy To Learn Techniques That Will Have You Memorizing Biblical Scripture In No Time.
In the Supreme Memory Book you will discover. Scripture memorization is the best habit that kids could learn to get them on the right track in life.
From the desk of Don and Dawn Publisher of 'Memory Delight' Christian Newsletter Dear Fellow Christian, Let me ask you this. If God meant for His Word to be remembered, then why is it so tough to memorize it?

The real problem is not you, your brain, or even your age. It’s not the complexity of the scripture either. It lies in the way you tried to memorize it.
It’s A FACT: Scripture memorization will help you grow stronger spiritually as you reflect on God’s promises wherever and whenever you want, at any time. Without even needing to have your Bible in hand. Today, Christians need to memorize and meditate scriptures more than ever before. With our high tech society, many Christians have become downright lazy in memorizing scripture. HERE’S THE PROBLEM: Most books on memorization techniques are dull and boring. No wonder why memorizing scripture isn’t at the top of our list. Nothing brings you closer to God than memorizing His Word.
Think about it. Being able to memorize scripture is one of the most powerful tools that you, as a Christian, could ever have. But Learning How To Memorize Scripture Is The Hard Part. It could take you years and can cost you a small fortune learning the right techniques to improving your memory. Well now there’s good news. Actually, it’s GREAT NEWS!

Instead of knocking yourself struggling to learn complicated memorization methods, you can now have an entire collection of easy to learn and fun techniques, to finally master memorizing biblical scripture. Introducing: The Supreme MemoryBook Recently a long lost manuscript on scripture memorization by acclaimed Theologian Dr. Pac Man Game Over Sound.
William Evanshas been re-discovered. Evans’ work contains powerful scripture memorization techniques not taught anywhere else. So powerful in fact, that this book should be in the hands of every Christian across the globe. Why This Amazing Book Was Written Dr. William Evans was the first graduate of the Moody Bible Institute in 1892 and later became director of the Biblical Studies Department.
As Director of the Biblical Studies Department, he came to the realization that memorizing God's word was one of the greatest challenges his students faced. 'What will it take,' he wondered, 'to make Christians commit scripture to memory?' It was a passionate appeal to God. (It might even be one of your prayers as well.) It was this questioning that led Dr. Williams to find the answer he was looking for. After much trial and error, he discovered and created easy to learn techniques that any Christian can use to accurately memorize scripture.
His handwritten notes would later become the Supreme Memory Book. But more essential than all that: Here’s the real reason why the Supreme Memory Book is so phenomenal. Evans made implementing his memorization system super easy to learn and use.
These are actual tools created specifically for Christians that you can instantly use and benefit from! All of the methods in his book are time tested and proven to bring you results right away. When this book was released in 1909, it brought thousands of people closer to God.
Wanted desperately to improve their relationships with God Tired of your sinful habits or addiction Had unanswered questions Had challenges in their lives Wanted direction in their lives Dr. Williams had found a hunger in people to find a way to live, in accordance with God’s Word. Memorizing scripture is key to finding the righteous path. That’s exactly why he created these techniques. How I Ran AcrossThisAmazingly Simple MemorizationSystem Years ago, I was struggling to commit scripture to memory and not forget it. I tried every method I could get my hands on, but none of them worked for me.