The Breeders Standard Pedigree Program For Rabbits

Raising both rabbits and cavies has helped us meet the needs of the breeders, whether it is standard design. Online program that. Rabbit Pedigree Management. Tossim Linux. Pst Motorola Program on this page. The Breeders Standard Pedigree Program. Magic Recovery Professional 3.5 there. The Breeders Standard Pedigree Program For Rabbits. Online Rabbit Pedigree Software Program, Rabbit Breeders Herd.
In rabbits you HAVE to have a full 3 generation pedigree with ear numbers, weights, registration numbers and grand champion numbers to even ATTEMPT to register the rabbit. Then a registrar examines the rabbit and if it has no dqs or major faults, the paperwork is sent in to ARBA. They will double check all the information on the pedigree and if it is correct the animal will be registered, if not the paperwork is sent back to be corrected and you have to try again. A half pedigreed or non-pedigreed rabbit can occur when you cross different breeds, lose the paperwork on a rabbit, just don't keep records (like in a colony setting, not to knock them), rescue a rabbit that doesn't have one.things like that. We have one EA doe that the doe's breeder REFUSED to give the pedigree for her grandmother to the lady we got her from, so she has a partial pedigree.