Sketches Of Frank Gehry By Sydney Pollack
Sydney Pollack on Frank Gehry: 'Sketches' Barely Scratches By Eva Hagberg In August of 2005, Sydney Pollack told Cindy Adams he was working on a. Directed by Sydney Pollack. With Frank Gehry, Sydney Pollack, Julian Schnabel, Charles Arnoldi. A look at the life and work of the renown architect.

Frank Gehry is that rare kind of architect who has garnered both critical acclaim and popular recognition. His designs dramatically blur the line between art and architecture; his sketches and models are the basis for dynamic structures and unpredictable interiors. Gehry's friend, Sidney Pollack, directs this film; akin in nature to Gehry's own impromptu, free-hand style, the two men appear on film together, capturing this shy, elusive artist and illuminating his innovative process--including expansive depictions of Gehry's most important architectural wonders across the globe.
½ I met Sydney Pollack when he came to New Orleans to introduce and discuss this film. I actually worked at the mall where the cinema was, and I couldn't work up the nerve to say anything at the screening, but the next morning he came into my workplace and I got a tete-a-tete with someone who was very much an academic guide for film theory and history on top of being a brilliant director (with great taste in what colors to wear). Anyways, this film.
Pink Floyd The Committee Rar. If you don't know Frank Gehry, just think of the oddest building you've ever seen and chances are it is or is derivative of Frank Gehry. For a reference point, Gehry did Bilbao Guggenheim and Seattle's Experience Music Project. Pollack and Gehry have long been friends, and the documentary was filmed as an independent project of Pollack's over the course of a few years and many meetings with his friend Gehry.
The two talk of art, design, inspiration, and everyday stuff. Gehry explains his process as an architect. Pollack captures some stunning shots of Gehry's work for just using a handheld diigital. If you like to see a brilliant (and some will say odd) artist revealing the guts and marrow of his profession, this is the film for you. [font=Century Gothic]'Sketches of Frank Gehry' is an insightful documentary about noted architect Frank Gehry, the creative force behind such buildings as the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain; Walt Disney Concert Center and my personal favorite, the practice rink for the Anaheim Ducks. This is architecture that stands out from its surroundings, as it should, which is especially true for art museums which should look like works of art themselves.
But unlike the architecture of Antonio Gaudi, Gehry's stresses the artificiality of the buildings as a way of showing how artificial all of humanity's creations really are. Along with his buildings(I would have liked to have seen more of the interiors), there are also thoughts on what drives him, the chaotic design process and his influences. Talking heads include colleagues, celebrities and critics.[/font] [font=Century Gothic]'Sketches of Frank Gehry' is directed by Sydney Pollack who is also a friend of Gehry's. This is the first documentary he has made and he also appears in front of the camera on occasion which is always a tricky proposition for a documentary.(Werner Herzog being a main exception because of his captivating presence.) Here, it definitely hurts the movie, even though I can see that his intent was by having a filmmaker interview an architect, that it would give a broader look at the creative process but it does not come close to succeeding.