Ocarina Of Time Save File Project64


Project64 SRAM savestates, all the latest Project64 SRAM savestates. I moved the save files and all the other project 64 files to my memory stick then back. So i went to play ocarina of time. Zelda Ocarina of time save file help? Sep 06, 2010 Ok, so my computer got some viruses, so i had to wipe my computer. Age Of Empires 4 Full Game there. I moved the save files and all the other project 64 files to.

Zelda Ocarina Of Time Save DataOcarina Of Time Save File Project64

Hey, I've just started doing some save editing on my OoT3D save file and I thought some of you guys might be interested in my findings. So here is what I have found out so far: 1. Link's Health: The overall number of heart containers you have is stored in the offset 42 (heh). Now, one full heart container has the decimal value of 16.

So the decimal value in offset 42 will be 48, 30 in hex, when you start a new game, as you'll have 3 heart containers. If you now want to give yourself more heart containers you'd just have to add 16 to the decimal value at 42 or 10 to the hex value. Link's current health is stored in offset 44 and is calculated just the same. Should you have taken some damage and have 2 1/2 hearts health at the moment you saved the hex value at 44 will be 28 or 40 in decimal. Basically, the decimal value for your current health can be calculated with the formula: Number of hearts * 16 2. Rupees: This is probably the most useful aspect of save editing: maximizing your money. The value for your current number of rupees is stored in the offset 48.

This is still WIP though, since I only have started the game just yet and I can't carry more than 99 rupees 'legally' anyway. The offset for values bigger than FF/255 probably is 47 though. Various items: The number of Deku Sticks you currently have is stored in the offset A6, Deku Nuts in A7, Deku Seeds (aka Slingshot ammo) in AC 4. Fixing the checksum: This step is very important, since you'll end up with a corrupt save file if your edited file doesn't pass the checksum integrity check.

The checksum is stored in offsets 14DB and 14DC and is a simple CRC-16 checksum. Nazywam Si Zacharski Marian Zacharski Pdf more. If you need to recalculate it for your edited save just fill in those two bytes with 00 00 and let your hex editor (I use HxD) calculate the CRC-16 checksum for the entire file.

Fill in the result in REVERSED ORDER (if the hex editor stated that the checksum is 12 34 you'd have to enter it as 34 12) I will update this post with more info as I progress through the game. I'd also greatly appreciate if you could make any contributions or you could also help me very much if you'd send me a completed save file of the game, preferably already decrypted as a save0x.bin file.

I also want to apologize for some wrong technical terms I might have used, I'm still kind of a beginner when it comes to hex editing. Now if only we could edit the RAM as well.personally, I'd love some Infinite Ammo or 'Always have a Fairy in bottle #1' type of cheats.