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JenaSoft DatAdmin Ultimate 5.2.3 7.27 Mb DatAdmin is a database administration tool that allows working with MySQLMS SQLSQLitePostgreSQL and MS Access databases. Its design is primarily focused on easy usage and thanks to the modularity and flexibility of the toolit can be from functionality standpoint compared to single-database focused programs. Functionality Database connection Connection using native ADO.NETODBCOLE DB drivers. Native support for Microsoft SQL ServerMySQLPostgre SQLSQLiteMS Access. PHP-tunnel function for connection to MySQL without direct access to the database server. Database management Tableskeysindexes and references creation and editing.
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商品名稱: JenaSoft DatAdmin Ultimate v5.2.5 商品分類: 程式開發、數據.資料庫系統 商品類型: 圖形化數據庫介面工具軟體 語系版本: 英文正式版 運行平台: Windows XP/Vista/7 更新日期: 2011-07-05 破解說明: 1.關掉主程式,破解檔放置於crack夾內,請將破解檔複製於主程式的安裝目錄內既可破解 2.序號產生器放至於keygen夾內 內容說明: JenaSoft DatAdmin Ultimate 是一款windows下圖形化數據庫介面工具,非常棒的軟體! 英文說明: DatAdmin is a database administration tool that allows working with MySQL, MS SQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL and MS Access databases. Its design is primarily focused on easy usage and thanks to the modularity and flexibility of the tool, it can be from functionality standpoint compared to single-database focused programs.