Installutil System.argumentexception Invalid Directory On Url

Installutil System.argumentexception Invalid Directory On Url

Anyone who used VS2005 Beta 2 knows that is multitude. System.ArgumentException: Invalid directory on. (hence the error of “Invalid directory or url“). Here in my system its showing the Windows Service. Gigi Pintu Surga. Visual basics projects and then lookin windows project you will see windows. Correct InstallUtil Path To File Syntax? When you run InstallUtil.exe. Copy the bat file MyService.exe folder and execute. The directory name D: home site wwwroot Areas Application App is invalid on azure #1673.

Print Url On Page

#If Debug Then ' When debugging a service, you have to attach to a running process. This gives me ' time to attach for debugging to slowdown startup so I can set a breakpoint. System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(15000) #End If Obviously this gives me a 15 second window in which I can attach to the process and set my breakpoint in the top of my startup code. It's not a perfect solution, but better than nothing.

2) InstallUtil is a nice, quick utility for installing and uninstalling, however it lacks some pretty substantial support for certain settings. It doesn't allow you to setup the service at all. For instance you can't have it handle the 'Allow service to interact with desktop' option (which ALSO doesn't appear to be an option in the required Installer class you must add to your service) NOR can you use it to set Dependencies to make sure Windows loads your service in the proper order at startup (if you use Automatic). Someone hinted that this could be set in that installer class as well but I've not been able to find that option.