Greek Dictionary Office 2007

Greek Dictionary Office 2007

See wrote in message news:*** Email address is removed for privacy ***. I have English version of office 2007, but now I have to write something in Greek and I need to check words in Greek.How can I have spell check in Greek? Should I install something? In dictionary part I have only English, Spanish and French. Graham Mayor - Word MVP Posted via the Communities Bridge Graham Mayor (Microsoft Word MVP) For more Word tips and downloads visit my web site

You didn't ask about grammar - the Greek proofing tools do not include a grammar checker - In order for it to be able to check any text that you have already written you must apply the Greek proofing language to the text. The language is a text attribute. Wrote in message news:*** Email address is removed for privacy ***. I installed it but I have some problems: 1)it checks only the spelling,not grammar 2) it checks only words that I write not the text I wrote Graham Mayor - Word MVP Posted via the Communities Bridge Graham Mayor (Microsoft Word MVP) For more Word tips and downloads visit my web site Realtek Rtl8139 Driver For Windows Server 2003 more. htm.

Gia sou, Aris:-) if you still have an Office 2003 with greek proofing tools, you can do the following: - install Office 2007 - install Office 2003 Note that you do not need to install the whole office appliactions. Just install Word.

- install Office 2003 Proofing Tools with the languages you want (Greek). - remove Office 2003 from 'Add/remove programs' (the reason why we installed Office 2003 is because proofing tools 2003 setup won't run without Office 2003). - open Word 2007 and this will integrate the Office 2003 proofing tools into the Office 2007 application. I didn't try this on my own, but some folks outside say, it should work that way. IF you are not able do go this way, you have to buy the so called Microsoft_Office_Multi-Language_Pack_2007 which gives you access to dozens of other languages besides Greek, too, but isn't quite cheap (though worth it, imho).

If you still can wait a few weeks, as far as I know beginning in October Microsoft will start selling Single Language Packs. No, that's not right, let me correct myself: You can already buy a Greek Language Pack for about 25 USD. Just go to This is most probably the thing you been searching for, right? Note that, if I am right, the equivalent to the Office 2003's 'Proofing Tools' now are the Language Packs. I hope, I was able to help you. Yours, Andre ------ 'ARIS' wrote: >I have Office Home and Student 2007 and need proofing tools for Greek language.

>Can someone tell me how to get that. >Sponsored Links.

Instead of starting with a built-in dictionary, Word 2013 links you to the Office Store so you can pick a free dictionary or buy one from a collection, including. Use one of the following methods to add a custom dictionary. Method 1: Create an additional custom dictionary. In Microsoft Office Word 2007. Feb 05, 2015 Microsoft Office 2007 Greek - EL( Ελληνικά) - Enterprice x86, x64, + 2 BONUS, Download.