Data Lifeguard Diagnostic For Dos Iso

• Data Lifeguard Diagnostic Utility. WD reserves the right to change specifications at any time without notice. Western Digital is a registered trademark; and WD, the WD logo, and Data Lifeguard Tools are trademarks of Western Digital Technologies, Inc. • Table of Contents Introduction... 1 DLGDIAG Options. • DATA LIFEGUARD DIAGNOSTICS (DLGDIAG) USER MANUAL Introduction The Data Lifeguard diagnostic utility (DLGDIAG) is designed to test WD hard drives for errors.

If DLGDIAG reports errors, you can use the program to attempt to restore the hard drive to a defect-free status. • DATA LIFEGUARD DIAGNOSTICS (DLGDIAG) USER MANUAL When to Use DLGDIAG If the hard drive reports errors, if you are unable to access files on the hard drive, or if another diagnostic utility such as SCANDISK, CHKDISK, DEFRAG, or Norton Utilities reports errors on the hard drive, run DLGDIAG to determine if they are hard drive-related. Huawei E5830 Firmware Error. • DATA LIFEGUARD DIAGNOSTICS (DLGDIAG) USER MANUAL DLGDIAG for Windows DLGDIAG for Windows is a Windows version of the Data Lifeguard Diagnostics utility.