Coping Strategies Questionnaire Pdf

Coping Strategies Questionnaire Pdf

Consistency and reliability of a Swedish version of the Coping Strategies Questionnaire. Agar Manual Sputter Coater : Free Programs, Utilities And Apps there. Coping strategies for pain refer to the way individuals who experience pain.

METHODS: The questionnaire was developed following international recommendations. The psychometric analyses included confirmatory factor analysis; reliability, assessed by internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha) and test-retest reliability (intraclass correlation coefficients); and construct validity, assessed by calculating the correlations between the subscales of the CSQ-R and measures of pain (numerical rating scale), disability (Sickness Impact Profile – Roland Scale), depression (Center for Epidemiological Studies – Depression Scale) and coping (Chronic Pain Coping Inventory) (Pearson’s correlation). RESULTS: Confirmatory factor analysis revealed that the CSQ-R model had an acceptable data-model fit (comparative fit index and normed fit index ≤0. Adobe Indesign Cs5, 5 Crack Torrent. 90, root mean square error of approximation ≥0.08). Cronbach’s alpha was satisfactory (CSQ-R 0. 3d Plugin Photoshop Cs3 more. 914 to 0.961), and the intraclass correlation coefficients were good/excellent (CSQ-R 0.850 to 0.918). As expected, the correlations with the numerical rating scale, Sickness Impact Profile – Roland Scale, Center for Epidemiological Studies – Depression Scale and Chronic Pain Coping Inventory highlighted the adaptive and maladaptive properties of most of the CSQ-R subscales.