Arroway Textures Wood Volume Two Pdf


The huge texture collection from Arroway (completed ) admin August 27, 2017 Arroway Textures. Wood Vol2 & 3-Pdf Arroway Textures – Wood Vol 2 downloads links.

Arroway 3D Textures – Wood Volume 2 The ‘ULTIMATE’ Library of Wood Textures! Wood is one of the oldest and most versatile building materials. In addition to its superb qualities as constructional timber, today wood is also popular because of its warm and natural look. Filemaker Pro 12 Advanced Trial more.

Blade Runner Final Cut Legendado 1934. Distinctiveness with timeless appeal – Exotic veneers play an increasingly important role in traditional as well as in contemporary design, where a simplification of form results in a greater emphasis on surface texture and color. As the second part in Arroway’s veneers series, this new release focuses on exotic woods and therfore is an ideal complement to the European veneers of the first collection. The manufacturing of wood veneers takes great skill as well as experience. Similarly, the creation of textures out of such veneers is a very time and resources consuming task. The use of a newly developed scanning process made it possible to digitize large veneered panels in high resolution while avoiding the problem of surface reflection. The thus obtained 4GB of raw data per wood species were then processed into high-quality textures using our tried and tested map creation techniques.

The result is an indispensable collection which is unique in its versatility and quality. Further Details The collection contains large-scale veneer textures of 33 Asian, African and Australian wood species.

For each of these species there are three textures sets available, each with different area and resolution: • approx. 3m x 4m (9.8ft x 13.1ft) at 50dpi (6000px x 8000px) • approx. 3m x 1m (9.8ft x 3.3ft) at 85dpi (10000px x 3300px) • approx. 3m x 0.3m (9.8ft x 1.1ft) at 140dpi (15000px x 1800px) Because of these different scale variations, the textures can be used in a very broad range of applications – from large-scale wall paneling down to furniture close-ups.

Features: • approx. 9GB downloadable file in 5 parts • 135 multi-layered textures • Map resolution 48, 33 and 27 megapixel • Each with diffuse, bump and reflectivity map (405 maps in total) • All maps come as lossless compressed PNG files • Printer-friendly texture catalog (PDF format).

Add to cart More than just building material Engineered wood has come a long way since its inception in the late 19th century. Today, boards made from compressed wood particles or fibers play an ever-greater role in the construction and furniture industries. In addition to its excellent properties as a building material, particleboard and fiberboard are increasingly being recognized for their qualities as design materials.

Especially when using such materials for design purposes, it becomes very important to be able to realistically reproduce their characteristic appearance in 3D visualizations. The subtle surface roughness of MDF or the anisotropic sheen on OSB – without textures that precisely capture all the various surface properties of each material, these are impossible to recreate. Main Features • High-resolution fiberboard and particleboard textures • Photometrically scanned anisotropy maps • Ready-to-use materials for Maxwell Render™ Categories.

Maps Beside a range of color variations, each texture primarily consists of a normal map and a reflectivity map - both essential for realistic rendering results. In addition, some materials also include an anisotropy map (e.g.

The OSB materials). Most textures come in two different size/resolution variants. One with a larger surface area (up to 4m²) at a lower resolution, and one that provides a higher resolution for a smaller area (up to 400dpi). This allows for both, large-scale applications, as well as small-scale applications in close-up. Anisotropy Maps This collection contains a number of materials, whose appearance is strongly dependent on anisotropic reflections (mainly the OSB particle boards). We have therefore, for the first time, included anisotropy maps for those materials. Working with these can be a bit more involved and the process is strongly dependent on the rendering software you are using, as every software seems to interpret the angle information slightly differently.

Because anisotropy maps will play an important role in future products, we are very interested in customer feedback and would greatly appreciate if you. Anisotropy Reflections You have seen the effect many times: Reflections and highlights that seem stretched and blurred depending on the direction in which a surface is viewed. This effect is caused by microscopic surface structure, often in form of tiny grooves or fibers. A prominent example is brushed metal. But many other real-world materials – synthetic and organic – show this effect to some degree. For some materials, this effect may be subtle.