: 427101ca : Gta_sa.exe : : 427101ca

: 427101ca : Gta_sa.exe : : 427101ca

Problem signature: Problem Event Name: APPCRASH Application Name: gta-sa.EXE Application Version: Application Timestamp: 427101ca., Grand Theft Auto. Nov 15, 2013. 427101ca Fault Module Name: Building Vocabulary Skills 4th Edition Sherrie L Nist Pdf. GTA_SA.EXE Fault Module. Gta san andreas appcrash problem (windows 7 32. GTA_SA.EXE Application Version: Nov 16, 2013. GTA_SA.EXE Application Version: Application. Gta san andreas appcrash problem (windows 7 32. 427101ca Fault Module Name: GTA_SA.EXE.

Magic Recovery Professional 3.5. So I've just finished The Green Sabre mission on the game, and bought a house in the first country side town you go to. And now every time I open the saved game and go outside the house and into the street the game crashes. How do I fix this!? Computer Specs: Model: ASUS Desktop PC CM6730.

So I've just finished The Green Sabre mission on the game, and bought a house in the first country side town you go to. And now every time I open the saved game and go outside the house and into the street the game crashes. How do I fix this!? Computer Specs: Model: ASUS Desktop PC CM6730 Series Processor: Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU G530 @ 2.40GHz RAM: 4.00 GB System type: Windows 7 Home Premium (SP1) 64-bit OS. Update: Problem signature: Problem Event Name:APPCRASH Application Name:gta_sa.exe Application Version: Download Garmin Mapsource Product Creator (mpc) 4.06 5.04. Application Timestamp:427101ca Fault Module Name:gta_sa.exe Fault Module Version: Fault Module Timestamp:427101ca Exception Code:c0000005 Exception Offset:000dfe92 OS. Problem signature: Problem Event Name:APPCRASH Application Name:gta_sa.exe Application Version: Application Timestamp:427101ca Fault Module Name:gta_sa.exe Fault Module Version: Fault Module Timestamp:427101ca Exception Code:c0000005 Exception Offset:000dfe92 OS Version:6.1.7601. Locale ID:2057 Additional Information 1:d68b Additional Information 2:d68bd3b8282f5e72182bbd7e42e4d6c7 Additional Information 3:6c49 Additional Information 4:6c89b8dc6d7b57ccb74dfb. Best Answer: Your computer specs aren't much of a help, since the problem is with the game and computer specs don't fiddle around with your game.

Try loading a different save. If that doesn't work. Try a new game.

If it does work, then the problem is with the corrupted save. Load an earlier save, or start a new game if you don't have any. If it still doesn't work. Delete your gta.set on 'My Documents GTA San Andreas User Files '. This can sometimes mess with the game. If that doesn't work. Use a back-up models and data folder.

If you don't have backup., Re-install the game. And create a back up, you will need it. • Tell us some more • Upload in progress • Upload failed.

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I have skipped a mission in gta sa but it is not opening.! Please do not use this box to ask a question, it will be rejected - this box is for answers ONLY. If you want to ask a question for this game, please use the ask a question box which is above on the right. B i u Size Color Strike Spoiler Quote Align Link List Add Pic Add Video Accept submission terms You are not registered / logged in.

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